How to shop for best Long Distances Rates online
Released on = December 20, 2005, 12:46 am
Press Release Author = Bear Long Distance
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Save On long Distance Rates by comparison shopping online. Simply use \"Best Rate Caculator\" find your best long distance rates within seconds.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/20/2005
How to shop for best Long Distances Rates online The headline should capture your ideal readers\' attention and include your best keyword. Save On long Distance Rates by comparison shopping online. Simply use \"Best Rate Caculator\" find your best long distance rates within seconds. - The summary should arouse curiosity in the reader to read the rest of your press release. It is very important to make it interesting and not dull.
City, State - date - Intro statement
The intro statement should read like a story and begin to answer who, what, when, why, and how. DON\'T pitch your product or service here. At the first \"whiff\" of a pitch people are going to be turned from your release.
Instead of pitching you should continue to \"tease\" the reader into wanting to find out more information by visiting your website.
You can start with a quotation or a statement that gets attention. It should speak to a hot-button that the media can quickly begin to picture for a story... or give other readers an intriguing story so they want to learn more about you on your website.
Expand on your intro statement.
You can include quotes or a statements here to add news value. Statistics are also useful, but should be simple and to the point.
Give The Benefits Of Your Product Or Service
These should tease the reader like crazy to visit your website and find out more. A great strategy is to make the bullets \"blind\" or hide the why a benefit works. Here are some examples:
- The single biggest reason you\'re going bald that will make your hair grow in two weeks or less (the pharmaceutical companies don\'t want you to know this). - How you can get discount gas at the pumps using this little-known bartering secret only used by select group of savvy consumers. - The wrong way and the right way to negotiate a car deal that almost forces car salesman to lose money when they give you such a low discounted price.
Explain the background or bio regarding your release
Example: Dr. John Smart studies the effects of tooth decay and publishes his results in a free monthly electronic magazine entitled, \"Tooth Decay Chronicles.\"
If you have any testimonials or have any other media credits like being featured on Oprah, then you would include those here. This adds credibility to yourself and lets others do the bragging of your credentials for you.
Possible Interview Questions
Call on the media to contact you
Contact Al Kader for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (555) 555-5555 Email: Other helpful information regarding the this product or service can be found at:
Important Note: It is important to include the website URL that you want ranked at least 1 time in your body and at least twice for the entire release.
For More Information Contact:
Al Kader
Web Site =
Contact Details = Al Kader
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